Saturday, May 1, 2021

In anticipation: Holy Saturday night! Pascha!


Holy Friday evening


Holy Thursday Evening Service

 Thus said the Lords to the Judeans: " O My people, what have I done to you, or wherein have I wearied you? To your blind I gave light; your lepers I cleansed; your paralytic I raised up. O My people; what have I done for you, and how have you recompensed Me? Instead of manna, gall; instead of water, vinegar; instead of loving Me, you nailed Me to the Cross. No longer will I endure; I will call to Me the Nations, and they will glorify Me, together with the Father and the Spirit; and I will grant to them eternal Life."  (from the Holy Week services)

The company of the Apostles calls out to you: " O Law-givers of Israel, Judeans, and Pharisees; behold the Temple, which you have destroyed; behold the Lamb, which you have crucified. You have delivered Him to the tomb, but by His own power He has risen. Deceive not yourselves, O Judeans, for in the sea He saved, and in the desert He fed. He is the Life, and the Light and Peace of the World".  (from the Holy Week services)